Drama GCSE – “Oh What A Lovely War” (First Developements) Number 2

Group: Lethaniel, Daniel, Harry and Dillon

Type of Work: Devised Piece

First Stages: In our group we decided on an initial performance plot line which basically entails a millionaire (Harry) coming to an army base and offering the general of the army (Daniel) money to bribe him to lose the battle. The General thinks about whether or not he should accept the bribe, but ultimately accepts because of his love of money. Two soldiers (Lethaniel & Dillon) who happen to be brothers are briefed on the mission and end up fighting in the battle. Lethaniel due to the general accepting the bribe, dies in battle. Dillon goes back to camp to tell the general what has happened and he over hears their conversation about their deal. Dillon storms in and demands an explanation (He is furious at this point).

We then cut to the funeral of the solider who died and there is a conflict of anger as the business man is at the funeral…

Pictures of first stage:

(Me on the floor dead, with Dillon above me)

(Money exchanging hands between Harry and Daniel)

This is to show the message of the intention of  how people can be easily swayed by money and risk the lives of many in the process by showing the money exchanging hands between the businessman and general to symbolise the bribe taking control of the general’s morals.





