Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Drama – Use of spacing in our Performance
In our performance we used spacing to our advantage by having the guard stand nearer to Agamemnon than somebody who is scared would stand next to somebody who they are afraid off. We used this to symbolise that the guard has some in kind of stronghold to Agamemnon and isn’t completely afraid off him, this…
Drama – Employment of process from other practitioners
For our performances we used Stanislavski’s system and in particular two ideas of his including the given circumstances e.g.: What the actor has been though and his current motive and thoughts and the “magic if” which is what I would do if I was in the circumstances in which the character I was playing is…
Drama – Choice of costumes and Semiotics in our performance
In myself and Dillon’s piece we decided to wear costumes that clashed with each other to represent a semiotic of the old clashing with the new, so in other words the trojan war and Palestine Israeli conflict which are to very similar conflicts are from two different times of history. My costume was a bed…
Drama – Agamemnon as a Character in the play
In the play “This flesh is mine” Agamemnon in my opinion is a very unlucky man. he is fighting for a cause and trying to get vengeance for Menelaus and his wife being taken by Paris of Troy, However he doesn’t seem to be able to get to that point because his quote on quote…
Hamlet – To be or not to be – To die, To sleep; To sleep, perhance to dream
To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream. Words i need to look up (Credit to dictionary) Perchance – pəˈtʃɑːns/ adverb archaicliterary adverb: perchance by some chance; perhaps. When going through the sentence I first realise that the words sleep and die both are states of limbo in a person where all their senses suspend…
Drama – Trojan War
The Trojan war took place in 13/12th century B.C Troy in Turkey. I was started due to Helen of Troy who was the wife of Menelaus, the king of Sparta being stolen by Paris of troy, This caused conflict between the two cities and thus the trojan war began. The war ended with the Greeks…
Hamlet Full Summary
Act 1 Scene 1: The scene takes place in a castle in Denmark which is preparing for war. Barnado and Francisco are currently guarding the castle, they are about to change with two other guards (Marcelus). Francisco exits and bid goodnight, then Barnado welcomes Horatio and Marcellus. Suspense starts to build up Marcellus starts to…
Hamlet Act 5 full summary
Scene 1: The scene starts off in a graveyard with two gravediggers making a grave for Ophelia’s dead body, both seems to argue on her being buried because she committed suicide and according to christianity suicides should not be allowed to receive a christian burial. The gravediggers discuss how her posh background might be the…
Hamlet – To, be or not to be – My translation to modern english
HAMLET: To be, or not to be–that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep– No more–and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and…
Drama – Agamemnon and Achilles Relationship
In the clip above I learnt that Achilles really doesn’t have any respect for Agamemnon but at the same time ive realises that Agamemnon has some very questionable moral like saying ” History remembers king, not solider” which may be true but in actual fact solider should be remembered as they fought the war for…
Got any book recommendations?