Category: Communication
Miss Drewett – Misery By Stephen King Review – Hw
Misery is a compelling and tension filled story which quips the reader from cover to cover. The story features main protagonist Paul Sheldon who one day gets in a spot of uncontrolled bother as the main antagonist Anne Wilks save him after a snow storm which was on his way to publish his new book…
Hw: Due 19/5/14, PEEL Of Macbeth
Point 1. Full Of Scorpians is my mind (Metaphor), Macbeth is a quilty and ill minded person this is present in the quote by Macbeth that goes ‘ Full of Scorpians is my mind which signifys that macbeth has and danger in his mind or poison as scorpians are a very poisous being and maybe…
Miss Drewett – Macbeth – 13/5/14
1. Macbeth & Lady Macbeth has shifted power between themselves by changing their language like in lady macbeth using Lord to refer to macbeth which shows her love turning wrong just from this peice of language. The Metaphors used in the Text are also representations like using The torture in the mind showing that macbeth…
Miss Drewett – Themes of Macbeth – 9/5/14
1. The themes in the two scene are suspicion and Power during these two scene with most of the charaters. 2. Evidence of these themes are the charaters like lennox and the lord suspecting macbeth of killing banqueo and power from lady mabeth wanting to be superviser from scene 5 .
1. I think that banqueo thinks that phephaps he might become king one day if the witches are wrong 2. I think macbeths thoughts of banqueo is that he will cut short his reign on the throne. Securing: This situation for macbeth could turn nasty as the three men could tell everyone that macbeth hired…
Macbeth – Act 2 Scene 2 Hw
Securing :I think Shakespeare authorial intent of lady macbeth is to make her look like the man of the house by making Macbeth look like a coward and lady Macbeth controlling Macbeth by making him think that shell divorce him if he’s a coward and doesn’t kill duncan. In a way Shakespeare is trying to…
Mr North – Macbeth – 2/4/14/ 3/4/14
1. See, See, our houndour’d hostess. – the love that follows us sometime is our troubles. I think this tells us that lady macbeth has a very strong relationship with duncan or duncan is seeing macbeth. This is ironic as we know that macbeth is going to kill him but he is using the term…
Mr North – Reading books – 1/4/14
Unusual Vocabulary: Bewildered – adjective – to end up in a strange city at night Witheringly – talking critically to somebody Dubious – adjective – feeling uncertainty or doubt Indignantly – adverb – to be angry at something wrong or unfair Slender – verb – somebody who is tall and skinny.
Mr North – Macbeth – 31/3/14
Notes ↓ Holy Biblical – white blank – Materned – Holy/ biblical Soliquy → when with Macbeth ↓ ↓ Direct indirect Come you spirits – Disturbing life, more to this life than meets his eye- spirts ( macbeths dark side). Ext: the symbolism in this soliquy is the fact that lady macbeth ( editing Not…
Miss Drewett – Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5 – 25/3/14
Understanding 1) ‘ king that shalt be ‘ this sentence shows us that Macbeth will be a king soon enough. 2) ‘ we will speak further ‘ This sentence shows us that Macbeth will talk later to lady Macbeth but in a deeper context. 3) ‘ My dearest love, Duncan comes here tonight ‘ this…