Drama – Drama in the making – Working record – Part 3 (Evaluation and Reflection)

I believe with the added material I have created for the costume and set, along with the developments from my fellow group members, I believe that the performance becomes more enjoyable to watch because the costume and set are now adapted more to the piece of drama. The added symbolism also makes the audience think more about the performance which helps the small message of regret that 7 years old looks into with its character looking back at his poor decisions in life, like drinking alcohol and smoking at the age of 11 years old maybe due to peer pressure from him trying to make friends like his mother asks him to try to and also hanging around the wrong crowd of people, in this case quite possibly a gang. The addition of the audience being around the stage is an example where it is to represent how the characters life up to this point can be seen from many perspectives like Lukas being seen as a delinquent or a misunderstood person who has been peer pressured into making poor decision to make friends to please his mother.

Another groups idea that I liked was Josh’s group where the song was read out a few lines at a time and then the rest of the group would act out the lines. I think that this was a good idea because it was like an in-depth analysis on each line and if done for a real performance would help the audience understand the source material even more than just acting out a part or doing a performance that was independent from the song and only carried the characters instead of the main premise of the song. If the performance was developed, I feel like some places where words go into scenes might need more explaining and expanding so that clarity is produced for the audience to understand the song more.






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