Drama – Drama in the making – Working record – Part 2 (Developing Performance)

Ideas for development:



Set Design:

Version 1

Set Design 1

Set Design (GCSE)

  • For my original set design, I wanted to incorporate the original improvised rehearsal set design but add another layer of having the audience look at the performance from both the front and sides of the stage. I decided on this because the whole performance is an insight into Lukas’s life and the anger and sadness he feels about the way his life has already turned out for him and the added fact that his mother lied to him about the nature of his father’s death. So by having the audience looking from many different perspectives it symbolises the many ways to view Lukas’s life up until this point, either viewing him as a delinquent who starting drinking and smoking at 11 years of age or as a misunderstood child who has been through so much that he results to poor life decisions to get him through life.

Version 2

Set Design 2

Set Design (GCSE) Version 2

  • Another developmental change I added was the reduction of blocks used on the stage where Lukas would both sit and write from, I felt that due to his upset and anger in this scene which are both very low emotions to have, I decided that Lukas’s character should be sitting on the floor in the middle of the stage which would symbolise who low in life he has gone and he feels that he has gone with him becoming a drinker and smoker at age 11, It is to represent his mindset, The other block for Lukas’s brother has stayed in the same place showing the difference in mindset and character between the two brothers with Lukas’s brother being a much happier and less regretful person than Lukas. Lukas is at the centre because it’s his mindset and story that we are interested in the most as an audience, at least much more than his brother’s story which is why he is in the background for the most part.

Costume design:

For costume design, I went with a white t – shirt with black jeans for Lukas and the same but with a black skirt and tights for Lukas’s Mother which are accompanied with Black trainers. On the white T-Shirts are words that describe the person’s emotions and mindset during the piece so that the audience can get more of n idea of the character history and the emotions going through their heads while they are speaking and interacting with each other. The black clothing beneath just serve to draw more attention to the actual performance and words on the T-shirts so that the audience don’t become distracted from the fancy pieces of clothing as the words matter more than what the character is ultimately going to wear. Lukas’s brother only has a plain white shirt without words because he is only in the performance to give a comparison between himself and Lukas and doesn’t serve the story too much so, therefore, he wears a plain white t-shirt to stop attention from going to him when he doesn’t need it.

Lukas Graham:


  • Regret – Some regret for the action he took in life like starting to drink and smoke at 11 years old.
  • Depression – How his life has turned out and the fact that his mother flat-out lied about how his father died.
  • Anger – Towards hi mother for lying to him about the nature of his father’s death
  • Grief – Towards his father dying and his poor life choices while his father was alive.

Lukas’s Brother:


  • No words to not attract a lot of attention as Lukas’s brother acts as more of a comparison between him and Lukas then as an importance to the story.

Lukas’s Mother:



  • Grief – Towards lying to Lukas and the death of her husband (Lukas’s father)
  • Worry – About Lukas’s future and whether or not he will be alive in the upcoming days.
  • Sadness – Lukas staying up in his room writing songs and not talking to anyone or eating much food.
  • Regret – For lying to Lukas about how his father passed way.





