Drama GCSE – Oh what a lovely war (Working Record – Part 2) Number 5

  1. Intention of the drama/design/script with any relevant background information

The intention of the performance is to convey how people can be easily swayed by money and risk the lives of many in the process. It is also to show the subject of war profiteering as the general ends up earning 10 million pounds whilst my brother in the piece ends up being shot in the process. It is also to show how people benefit from war and lose from war.

2. Planning

We have planned by talking amongst each other and doing different parts of our performance to see how they work and if they should be kept or not in the final piece. We will have a dress and technical performance to make sure that we are ready for the examination on Tuesday morning. I have also done research into propaganda and war profiteering to enhance my knowledge on these two aspects so that when it comes to the performance it can be better because I have more knowledge on the subject of propaganda and profiting from war.

As a group, we also added numerous choices to improve the performance. One decision was to have a soliloquy with the general (Daniel) where he contemplates if money is really worth risking the lives of men even for a high amount of £10 Million pounds, this allows the audience to get into the general’s mindset at this point and shows that Daniel might not be as bad of a person as people might think at first. Another addition was the informal conversation where my and Dillon both talked to each other. as we are brothers the conversation is quite personal and allows the audience to get to like the character before his inevitable demise later on in the piece, it allows the audience to become invested in the piece because it allows the audience to see how the brother relationship works in the piece. A few lighting and sounds decisions were also made in the process like having a complete black out during the death scene of Dillon and then going into red to symbolise blood and death. the use of darkness is to stop the audience from seeing Dillon die and losing their investment in the performance as a live death on stage is rarely ever well done and most likely would distract the audience to see if the body is really dead in my opinion, the use of the red light is to symbolise blood and therefore death as Dillon is slowly dying while I’m trying to do CPR.We also changed the part of the performance where I finish by grabbing a gun and shooting, to a scene where I see the general and businessman exchanging money and the lights turn off. This is to create a stronger image and allow the audience to decide what happens, in the end, themselves. One last thing that we have added quite late in the process is a money note with blood on it to conveyor that money has killed a man and blood is on Daniel’s hand for allowing Dillon to die. This was added to give the final part of our message of corruption to show that the money is basically the stimulus of so many deaths, not just in our scene, but in our performance as well.

3.How relevant areas of study have been applied

In the planning part of the assessment, we looked at many different styles of acting that we could use like slow motion and the use of only dialogue to convey a message. During the ending, we decided to have very little dialogue as the audience already know what is going on due to the earlier conversation with the millionaire and general, So no dialogue is necessary at that point. We also used the important rehearsal technique of improvisation to improve certain scenes of the performance like the conversation between me and Dillon so there is more investment in the characters so that there is more felt for the characters when Dillon dies. One way we achieved this was by starting off with a topic like how we got into the war and seeing how it went on in the conversation as time goes on. We then formed a conversation by doing the same with different ideas like personal memories and our brotherly relationship.


(Conversation between me and Dillon in the dress rehearsal)

4. Individual contribution to the chosen brief

For the performance, I did a lot of preparation in my research of propaganda and profiteering at war so my performance had more background to it and I could improve the way that I would act in a war-like environment. I also contributed by adding the idea of the ending of me pulling out a gun and the lights fading out and the only thing you hear is a gunshot, in the end, to get the audience to wonder who in the end was shot, whether it was my character or the millionaire or even the general. I also contributed a lot of the context to the piece like the profiting off war and the death of a brother type figure to create anger for my character to end up killing someone but it’s left to the audience to decide who dies. This part of the performance was later scrapped and changed with me entering the office of the general just as he is getting the money from the businessman. we believe as a group that this is a much stronger image and allows the audience to interpret what happens next by asking a question like What happens to my character? or does the general get fired in the end for his selfish and greedy towards the soldiers by putting their lives at risk and does the businessman get arrested for bribing a general to put his troops at the risk of death.

5. Reflection and evaluation.

The intention of the performance as stated above was to show  how people can be easily swayed by money and risk the lives of many in the process. I strongly believe we conveyed the message by having the conversation between the general and businessman to show how the businessman can easily sway the general with money. The general also having a monologue also allows the audience to see the general’s mindset and show how money is heavily affecting his decision and personality to the extent where he is open to killing men for the sake of money. For the actual performance, I would like to improve the way I react to characters dialogue so I can show the audience how people would respond to a character who accepts bribes to put their troops at risk of death and therefore add to the overall intention for the audience to watch and consider.

Script and Lighting Queues (Acts as a stimulus as improvisation may occur at some point where we have changed dialogue)

Lights go up (Start off the show)

Lethaniel waiting outside I show him papers and go in to see the general.

Harry: ah you are the general of this base I presume.

Daniel: yes how may I help you?

Harry: I represent a company that has certain… interests which we believe can benefit us both.

Daniel: OK cut the shit what’s a guy in a suit doing in a desert, who are you? And what do you want?

Harry: well as you know the war is going well and that is not uh good for business shall we say.

Daniel: get to the point.

Harry: very well I know your men are holding a weapons cache 2 miles north of here and the militia want what is in there, in fact, they would pay a pretty penny for that cache.

Brings out money.

Harry: 5 million to be precise.

Daniel: you are asking me to sacrifice the lives of my men on a bribe I should have you arrested they have families I ca-.

Harry: so do you a wife and two kids if not mistaken.

Daniel: are you threatening my family.

Clenches fist

Harry: no simply saying that hundreds of thousands of people die every day a few more is not going to make any difference except to you and your family who will be rich and looked after with this money.

Daniel: I.. I can’t I’ve known these men for two years no…not for five million anyway.

Harry: I see what your hinting at here very well 10 million do we have an understanding now?

Daniel: yes what is it exactly you want me to do?

Harry: the enemy will attack the cache at 6pm you should leave only two or three soldiers to guard it otherwise it will be suspicious. I shall pay you in full once the task is completed.

Daniel: OK then I will do it.

Harry: good to hear.

Exit Harry.

Daniel Waits and Lethaniel and Dillon enter and salute.

Daniel: Good to see you men we have information that suggests that the enemy has retreated and so I shall only post you two at the target tonight it will leave you two time to… catch up on home (pause)

Daniel looks at the floor. (Shows guilt that he is putting is men in danger of death for money)

Daniel: Is that clear men.

Lethaniel and Dillon: Yes sir.

Both have confused faces and look at each other. ( Confused due to a change in alert levels for attack)

Daniel exits.

Lethaniel and Dillon sit down and play cards. (The cards represent the idea of gambling and the chance aspect that comes with gambling that can also translate into the chances of still being alive the next day in war. Dillon while extremely lucky at cards is not lucky when it comes to surviving another day of war. We as a group did this to make the audience realise that while some people benefit others lose out like the general earning himself 10 million pounds whilst Dillon dies and his brother has to live with the loss of a family member)

Dillon: I can’t wait to get back home and taste mom’s spaghetti again what about you little bro.

Lethaniel: I just want to lie in a comfortable bed again, let’s see what you got then

Shows hand 

Dillon smiles 

Dillon: straight flush.

Slams cards on the table and takes some coins of the table. Lethaniel sighs 

Lethaniel: ah crap you always win your cheating somehow you always do.

Dillon: Nah man I’ve always been lucky and you have always been a sore loser.

Rustling (Symbolises men possibly hiding in a bush which arouses suspicion)

Lethaniel: Hear that.

Dillon: Yeah I’ll check it out.

 Lights go out (The use of the light going out is to symbolise bad things coming to the characters and to hide the death from the audience)

 *gunshot with flash

 Lethaniel runs and starts CPR on Dillon.

Red lights come on. (Red light represents blood and death which has just come to Dillon)

Lethaniel: shit, shit, shit don’t die, don’t die

 Lights go out (Symbolises something bad is just about to happen like my character finding out the general’s plan)

 *gunshot with flash 

Lethaniel: oh no gotta let the general know

 Runs off Dillon lies in the corner for rest of play.

 Harry and Daniel talking in room Harry pours drinks and they hit glasses.

Harry: I have intelligence to suggest that the task is completed well done General it’s been a pleasure doing business.

Brings out money.

Harry: And as promised ten million in cheque well-earned sir.

Daniel: it’s been a pleasure for me too.

Shakes hand and hands money when Lethaniel walks in.

Lethaniel: sir I have important news the post was attacked and…

Daniel: umm uh what h-happened soldier.

Lethaniel: who is this… why

 Walks around the front of them and pulls out a gun – Taken out due to walking in being a better ending to arouse suspicion of what is gonna happen next.

Lights go out (End of Performance)


As a group, we went for a realistic style of costuming as we felt as a group that because the message of corruption and the idea of war profiteering being such a real problem that we felt that the performance would be much stronger and give the message more meaning behind it


(Businessman proposition scene in the dress rehersal)

(Businessman – Harry: Left – Suit and tie to fit his businessman charater. General – Daniel: Right – Suit to show his high up athority in the army)


(Conversation between me and Dillon in the dress rehearsal)

(Soilder/Guard) – Me: Left – Black cothing to show conformity of war and a loss of individuality and unity of soliders being in the same possition, also used due to lack of avalibilty of camoflauge from me, Solider/Gaurd – Dillon: Right – Camoflauge clothing to represent the normal clothes that soilders would wear in war.

Script with developements

Script with Lighting queues


Lights go up (Start off the show)

Lethaniel waiting outside I show him papers and go in to see the general.

Harry: ah you are the general of this base I presume.

Daniel: yes how may I help you?

Harry: I represent a company that has certain… interests which we believe can benefit us both.

Daniel: OK cut the shit what’s a guy in a suit doing in a desert, who are you? And what do you want?

Harry: well as you know the war is going well and that is not uh good for business shall we say.

Daniel: get to the point.

Harry: very well I know your men are holding a weapons cache 2 miles north of here and the militia want what is in there, in fact, they would pay a pretty penny for that cache.

Brings out money.

Harry: 5 million to be precise.

Daniel: you are asking me to sacrifice the lives of my men on a bribe I should have you arrested they have families I ca-.

Harry: so do you a wife and two kids if not mistaken.

Daniel: are you threatening my family.

Clenches fist

Harry: no simply saying that hundreds of thousands of people die every day a few more is not going to make any difference except to you and your family who will be rich and looked after with this money.

Daniel: I.. I can’t I’ve known these men for two years no…not for five million anyway.

Harry: I see what your hinting at here very well 10 million do we have an understanding now?

Daniel: yes what is it exactly you want me to do?

Harry: the enemy will attack the cache at 6pm you should leave only two or three soldiers to guard it otherwise it will be suspicious. I shall pay you in full once the task is completed.

Daniel: OK then I will do it.

Harry: good to hear.

Exit Harry.

Lights goes red and Daniel gives a soliloquy

Daniel goes towards his chair

Lights go back up

Daniel: Come in soldiers.

Daniel Waits and Lethaniel and Dillon enter and salute.

Daniel: Good to see you men we have information that suggests that the enemy has retreated and so I shall only post you two at the target tonight it will leave you two time to… catch up on home (pause)

Daniel looks at the floor. (Shows guilt that he is putting is men in danger of death for money)

Daniel: Is that clear men.

Lethaniel and Dillon: Yes sir.

Both have confused faces and look at each other. ( Confused due to a change in alert levels for attack)

Daniel exits.

Lights go out for me and Dillon to set up – Once done Lights go up

Lethaniel and Dillon sit down and play cards. (The cards represent the idea of gambling and the chance aspect that comes with gambling that can also translate into the chances of still being alive the next day in war. Dillon while extremely lucky at cards is not lucky when it comes to surviving another day of war. We as a group did this to make the audience realise that while some people benefit others lose out like the general earning himself 10 million pounds whilst Dillon dies and his brother has to live with the loss of a family member)

Dillon: I can’t wait to get back home and taste mom’s spaghetti again what about you little bro.

Lethaniel: I just want to lie in a comfortable bed again, let’s see what you got then

Shows hand

Dillon smiles

Dillon: straight flush.

Slams cards on the table and takes some coins of the table. Lethaniel sighs

Lethaniel: ah crap you always win your cheating somehow you always do.

Dillon: Nah man I’ve always been lucky and you have always been a sore loser.

Rustling Sound  (Symbolises men possibly hiding in a bush which arouses suspicion)

Lethaniel: Hear that.

Dillon: Yeah I’ll check it out.

Lethaniel: I’ll wait here

Lights fade out (The use of the light going out is to symbolise bad things coming to the characters and to hide the death from the audience)

*gunshot with flash (White light)Lethaniel runs and starts CPR on Dillon.

Red lights come on. (Red light represents blood and death which has just come to Dillon)

Lethaniel: shit, shit, shit don’t die, don’t die

white light focuses on front of the stage with red light still present.

Harry and Daniel talking in room Harry pours drinks and they hit glasses.

Harry: I have intelligence to suggest that the task is completed well done general it’s been a pleasure doing business.

Brings out money.

Harry: And as promised ten million in cheque well-earned sir.

Daniel: it’s been a pleasure for me too.

Shakes hand and hands money when Lethaniel walks in.

Lethaniel: General!!!! General…..

Lights go out (End of Performance)






