As a group, we continued to develop a performance by adding and getting rid of certain ideas that we initially had. One aspect of the performance we are getting rid of is the funeral scene at the end where we thought that the use of the dead body would be too distracting to an everyday audience as it would draw attention straight towards the dead body for movements and see if he is actually playing dead without any downfalls. Also, we have changed the death scene slightly by adding lighting and sound to the performance. Now the scene will run with a card game between Dillon and me for 10 seconds, then a loud rustling sound will be heard and I will investigate the sound, suddenly a gunshot will go off and Dillon will be surrounded in darkness. I will start to attempt to do CPR on Dillon, I will freeze and another gunshot will go off which gets me to run to the general and the play goes on from normal until the new addition of the ending sequence where I pull out a gun and darkness overflows the audience and a gunshot is heard. End of scene. Due to circumstance Dillon’s character has now changed to mine and vice versa.
- Lighting and sound were added to allow the audience to understand more what is happening and therefore grasp the overall message of corruption. Lighting and sounds also allow the performance to become much more enjoyable and invest the audience in the piece of drama.
- I do CPR at the end of the piece to try to help Dillon from dying. This also allows for more sympathy towards the characters as essentially a brother is dying right in front of me and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
- The exchanging of money between hands is to represent the greed aspect of war profiteering and how people will go as far as putting people’s lives at risk for their own greedy gain.