Touching the void – Chapter 5 (Disaster) Summary

Joe and Simon start to climb down the mountain, as they keep on going down disaster strikes and Joe falls down the mountain and breaks his legs in the process. Now fearing for his life as now it would take even more work and may even be impossible to get back down the mountain, his life is in the hands of Simon and the big question of whether or not he should leave him to die on the mountain comes into place, Simon decides to try his best to help hin down the mountain but we get a sense of his help only be from his sense of obligation as his tactic becomes more and more painful for Joe to take the pain. There is also an underlying idea that Simon could die fron helping out Joe


Page 70 – tugging on rope

Page 72 – Joe breaks his leg

Page 75 – reference to touching the void

Page 79 – mention to cause decision
(Rational) – unspoken agreement





