Drama – Use of Props, Lighting and Sound in our piece

In the performance the main props was the mobile phone which was in the original script and we decided to keep in as it worked with the whole semiotics of the piece, it rings twice at the beginning which shows that Agamemnon is getting annoyed at his phone going off while he is working and this is shown through my expression in the final performance. I also used a notebook and pen to show that I am working in the beginning of the piece and that the guard coming in and interrupting fuels my anger in the performance we did. The ringing at the beginning was also added to make the performance longer in length so it was off adequate length to be assessed.

The lighting in our performance was also dark as only one set of lights were on, This represents the whole darkness of the scene and the evil emotions of hatred and anger rising in the performance which in my opinion adds another dimension to the performance we did last week.

The only use of sound was the ringtone which goes off twice at the beginning to represent the prop to the audience so they now it is a mobile phone and the audience can draw the connection between the phone and costume I am wearing to see the symbolism of the old clashing with the new.





