Drama – Choice of costumes and Semiotics in our performance

In myself and Dillon’s piece we decided to wear costumes that clashed with each other to represent a semiotic of the old clashing with the new, so in other words the trojan war and Palestine Israeli conflict which are to very similar conflicts are from two different times of history. My costume was a bed sheet which was made into a toga and Dillon’s costume was camouflage army wear which with the toga contradicts each other because the toga is normally a piece of clothing worn in ancient Rome and Dillon’s costume normally being worn in the modern-day which are from both different times in history, This represents the old clashing with the new and furthermore the Palestine Israeli conflict and the trojan war. The use of a mobile phone also contradicts me wearing the toga as well because people in ancient Rome didn’t have mobile phones. The old clashing with the new also represents the idea that these problems and conflicts are even occurring today with a notable example being the Paris attacks which happened a week and a half back on Friday the 13th of November 2015 and involved the sad death of over hundred people.

The costumes are below to see





Another piece of symbolism was the use of a blank stage with only a block in the middle on the stage. This was to create emphasis on the emotions as this is a very emotive scene and the talents of the performance are really tested and can shine if implemented well, this is why the stage wasn’t filled with many props and set pieces because this allows the audience to concentrates on the facial expressions more than the set around the actors.





