In the play “This flesh is mine” Agamemnon in my opinion is a very unlucky man. he is fighting for a cause and trying to get vengeance for Menelaus and his wife being taken by Paris of Troy, However he doesn’t seem to be able to get to that point because his quote on quote greatest solider seems to be a spoilt childish brat who seems to be throwing all his toys out of the pram because he wants Briseis but for what I see as the wrong reasons. he wants her for the soul purpose that Agamemnon wants her and he threatens to quit because he will not give Briseis to him, it’s also a case of his pride more than it is love for briseis. In the end Agamemnon gives Briseis to him on the grounds that he will not leave and will stay fighting in the trojan war. In the scene we performed in he is just given the news that Agamemnon is planning to leave the war and this is when we see Achilles as the real Antagonist of the play. Agamemnon in the fewest words possible is a betrayed man and it is hard not to be on his side in the given circumstance. On the other hand though I would not classify him as a protagonist because at the end of the day he is still controlling a war where hundred of people will die and in my eyes is more of an anti – Hero then he is a protagonist. This is because while he is in control of the genocide of hundreds of people, he has understandable reasons and a back story to him that sides with his morals. In conclusion I believe my character is very well thought out and his motive and reasoning while not fully justified are to a certain extent justified and make him a very key part of this play. The anger towards the guard also seems justified because the guard completely interrupts him mid conversation which would make anybody angry.

Drama – Agamemnon as a Character in the play