Act 1
Scene 1: The scene takes place in a castle in Denmark which is preparing for war. Barnado and Francisco are currently guarding the castle, they are about to change with two other guards (Marcelus). Francisco exits and bid goodnight, then Barnado welcomes Horatio and Marcellus.
Suspense starts to build up
Marcellus starts to feel a presence around the castle. The ghost then enters.
Marcellus, Haratio and Bernardo are shocked and begin to question the ghosts presence. Barnado are Marcellus in particular are pushing Haratio to question the ghost. The ghost then becomes offended and exits.
The characters then discuss what has just happened and the ghost presence.
Horatio then remarks that the ghost wore the same amour as the king, giving the idea that the ghost was the dead king.
Marcellus then tells us that the ghost has done this twice before at the exact same time of night.
Horatio then tells us that he has a general idea that this means bad news for the country. *
All the characters then discuss that idea on the ghost presence and then the ghost enters for one last time.
The Ghost spreads his arms and ask about the fate of the country and what will happen to the citizens
A Rooster then enters to add excitement to the scene, Shakespeare uses this to excite the audience after the long communication between all the characters in the scene.
Marcellus, Horatio and Barnado then go to attack the rooster and the ghost exits.
Barnado then explains that the ghost was going to say something when the rooster enters.
Horatio then realizes that the ghost acted startled when the rooster enters, as if he is guilty of something and has just been caught by the law.
Marcellus then says that he knows where he will find him tomorrow
All the characters exit and the scene ends
* When the king or Queen dies, it is a sign of bad things to come as the gods are not pleased with something that has happened in the country previously.
Scene 2: The scene starts off in the morning after Horatio and the guards see the ghost at the castle, King Claudius gives a speech to his people about his recent marriage to Gertrude (His Brothers Wife), this sparks controversy with Prince Hamlet as his uncle is also his father which is very close to being incest as King Claudius is both his uncle and his step-father. King Claudius then expresses his sadness for his brother’s death but also while expressing his happiness for his new wife Gertrude. His speech then concludes.
King Claudius then expresses his concern for Hamlet’s emotions after mourning his father’s death for so long, he also tells hamlet to grow up and get over his father’s death and just accept the fact that he is gone and he is now his new father.
Hamlet then expresses to Claudius how he wishes he could die and tells us even more about his deep sadness for his mother marrying his uncle and how he is a much worse person than his father ever could be. This is expressed in a long Shakespearian soliloquy.
Horatio then enters and says that he has seen what is presumably his father’s ghost in the castle and knows where he will be, Hamlet is asked if he will come watch with them, he agrees and the scene ends.
Scene 3: The scene starts off with Ophelia and Laertes. Laertes is bidding goodbye to and telling us how she hopes that Ophelia will write to her, Ophelia then questions why she doubt that she will write, her question however is completely blanked and Laertes than talks about Prince Hamlet and how the relationship wont last between the two of them as he has duties to attend to like serving his country and this will get in the way of his love life. Laertes also say ” As he in his particular act and place
May give his saying deed, which is no further than the main voice of Denmark goes withal” this shows hamlets love being a factor that is only as far as Denmark will allow it to be. Ophelia replies by saying that she should stop preaching in her love life and tell her to stop worrying, Laertes says she wont worry and Ophelia shouldn’t either.
Polonius then enters and tells Laertes that she should get on the boat on go aswell as give her his blessing for the trip, Laertes says goodbye and exits.
Polonius then asks Ophelia what her brother asked and she replies by saying “So please you, something touching the Lord Hamlet.”
Polonius then completely agrees with Laertes and says that he is getting abit concerned as she has been spending a lot of time with him recently and Ophelia has been very open for him which her father doesn’t approve off even though it’s because he has been showing Ophelia a lot of Affection recently according to herself.
Polonius then argues with Ophelia by telling her that she should stop being so stupid and stop seeing and talking to Prince Hamlet and the scene ends with Ophelia saying “I shall obey, my lord.” and the scene ends.
Scene 4: The scene takes place during the evening and Horatio, Hamlet and Marcellus enters. Hamlet and Horatio start talking about the weather being cold and nippy and hamlet ask for the time where Horatio replies “I think it lacks of twelve.” and Marcellus immediately corrects his reply by saying “No, it is struck.” meaning it is after midnight.
Two trumpets are then set of on stage and Horatio asks what does it mean. Hamlet replies by saying it means that the king is having a party and is drinking German wine, Horatio then ask if this is a tradition and Hamlet says yes and tells us that this is a part of heritage and the country’s history. The Ghost then enters, Horatio reacts by telling hamlet that it is here and Hamlet starts then starts questioning it motive and if the ghost is his father or not and starts shouting at the ghost because hamlet is terrified by it presence.
The ghost then ask hamlet to come with it, he agrees but both Marcellus and Horatio believe it to be a bad idea because they don’t know for certain the ghost motive or for that matter anything about the ghost at all. as a result of hamlets stubbornness both Horatio and Marcellus try to hold Hamlet back but he protests and manages to escape, Both Hamlet and the ghost exits the scene.
Horatio and Marcellus then believe the best way forward is to follow them and both characters exit and the scene ends.
Scene 5: The scene starts with Hamlet and the Ghost of Hamlet’s father, Hamlet says tp the ghost that he doesn’t want to go any further and he wants to know what he was going to tell him. The ghost tells him that he is actually his father with the line “I am thy father’s spirit” and also that hamlet should be ready to take some revenge. The ghost also reveals that he was murdered by his own brother, who married his wife and has taken over as king “‘Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me. So the whole ear of Denmark Is by a forged process of my death Rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy father’s life
Now wears his crown” Hamlet replies by telling him that he knew it deep down all along, The ghost tells us that his brother poured poison into his ear and leaving him for dead. all this is represented in the lines “My custom always of the afternoon, Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial, And in the porches of my ears did pour The leperous distilment, whose effect Holds such an enmity with blood of man That swift as quicksilver it courses through The natural gates and alleys of the body
And with a sudden vigor doth posset And curd, like eager droppings into milk,The thin and wholesome blood. So did it mine”
The ghost reminds him to take revenge by killing his uncle to put things right in the throne and the ghost exits. Marcellus and Horatio enters, Horatio asks if he is alright and hamlet say yes. Horatio and Marcellus asks what has happened and hamlet refuses to say as he might go around telling other people, Horatio and Marcellus reassure Hamlet by telling him they wont tell and he says he will tell the secret. Hamlet says “Any villain in Denmark is going to be, well, a villain” he then ask for them to promise that they wont tell anyone what happened tonight and they agree. The ghost also tell them to swear from under the stage several times and they agree and the scene ends.
End Of Act 1
Act 2
Scene 1: The scene starts off with Polonius and a new Character called Reynaldo as they are both discussing about Reynaldo going to Paris to get some inside information on Laertes, Polonius says that he should pretend to know him so that he can get access to him. Polonius then bids farewell to Reynaldo and he exits.
Ophelia then enters and tells us that he thinks Hamlet has gone mad and that he came to her with his clothes undone with the quote ” My lord, as I was sewing in my closet, Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbraced; No hat upon his head; his stockings fouled,
Ungartered, and down-gyvèd to his ankle; Pale as his shirt; his knees knocking each other; And with a look so piteous in purport
As if he had been loosèd out of hell To speak of horrors—he comes before me. ” Polonius then says that maybe he is turning crazy because he loves you and has been denied access after I told you to stop seeing him, he then apologies for not allowing Ophelia to be with Hamlet and they both go to the King and the scene ends.
Scene 2: The scene takes place in the castle where Claudius and Gertrude are welcoming Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. all the characters are deeply concerned with his madness expect for the king who seems to take some delight in hamlet going mad as he doesn’t like him anyway. The reason Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are at the castle is to help cheer up hamlet in his hard times after finding out that his uncle/father killed his actual father and king.
Polonius then enters whilst also announcing the return of the ambassadors whom the king sent to Norway. during their visit they find out that the king of Norway is angry that Fortinbras wanted to attack the Danes where he swore to the king he wound not attack Denmark again. The Norwegian king then asks for the request that he will be allowed safe passage through Denmark to get to Poland to attack the real enemies instead of Norway . Claudius then tells us that he will look over the plans later. Voltimand and Cornelius then leave.
Polonius then declares to the king that hamlet has gone mad over his love for Ophelia that has been rejected due to Ophelia being told by Polonius that she should stop seeing him, Hamlet then arrives and is flat-out rude to Polonius which is likely to be fuelled by his rejection by Ophelia (It should be noted that his speech pattern comes out of iambic pentameter and then back into iambic pentameter when Polonius leaves)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern then enter and Hamlet goes back to normal and is now in a very positive mood and is no longer making rude comments. Both characters talk about his unhappiness until hamlet asks if they have been summoned to spy on him which they both disagree until Hamlet basically tells them that they have been sent by the king and queen. Trumpets sound and the players start making their way to the castle as we find out that hamlet wants to put a play on about how his father died ( This is not known to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern). Polonius then enters and along with hamlet welcomes the players to the castle and tells us that a new play will be performed which is The Murder of Gonzaga with apparent extra lines and content added by himself.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are left in an empty room and work out that the plot is very similar to hamlets death and work out that if the king has a reaction this means he is guilty and killed Hamlet’s father.
End of Act 2
Act 3
Scene 1:
The scene starts off with Claudius and Gertrude talking about Hamlets spout into madness and find out that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern cannot find out why Hamlet is so melancholy, However they do tell that hamlet is very excited about the player and Claudius and Gertrude agree to see the play. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern then leave and Claudius asks Gertrude to leave and she exits as well. we find out that him and Polonius want to spy on hamlets confrontation with Ophelia, they both hear hamlets footsteps and hide. We then get the most famous soliloquy in the play where hamlet contemplates suicide and life or death
“To be, or not to be? That is the question— Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep—No more—and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to—’tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There’s the respect That makes calamity of so long life.For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’ oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th’ unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.—Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia!—Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remembered”
Ophelia then comes back and says that she is deeply sorry and wants to get back with him back hamlet replies by saying that he doesn’t love her anymore and for her sake she should go to a nunnery or brothel because she isn’t going to find a better man out in the world because they are only after one thing (Sex).
Polonius and the king then come out and work that Hamlets madness is not caused by his love of Ophelia, Claudius then has the idea of sending hamlet to England to get away from all his problem with the loss of his father and him becoming his new father. Polonius agrees to the idea but still believes that he loves Ophelia and the scene ends.
Scene 2:
The scene starts off with an unhappy hamlet having an argument with the players who are about to act out his father’s murder, he uses points like the players constant overacting and Shakespeare also gets though a couple of clever acting styles and traits that bother him like when the actors change lines. He then tells Horatio the actual plan of recreating his father’s death in the form off a play which will be shown in front of the king and queen and friends. as people arrive to the play it is seen that hamlet goes back into madness and insulting various people along the way including the players yet again by telling them to hurry up “Bid the players make haste”
All the characters then enter and everybody takes their seats, Hamlet strangely ask if he can sit on Ophelia lap which due to the events of act 3 scene 1 seems to contradict itself as he basically told her to go and to leave and go to a brothel or nunnery. as the play keeps on going the king and queen both become more and more concerned to the point where Claudius leaves when the poison is poured into the actor playing hamlets father. Hamlet tells Horatio that the ghost was telling the truth and that his uncle did kill his father. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern enter and request hamlets presence in front of he queen and the scene ends.
Scene 3:
The scene starts off with the king, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern talking about the play and the kings plans to send him away from Denmark, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave and the king starts praying presenting the chance for Hamlet to kill him but he doesn’t go through with it because he is praying and he doesn’t want to kill a man while he is praying because he thinks it is morally wrong, he puts the sword away and leaves. End of scene
Scene 4:
The scene starts off with Polonius and Gertrude awaiting Hamlet arrival in the Gertrude chamber. Polonius reveals to us that his plan is to hide behind the curtain to examine Hamlet insanity and threatening behaviour. Polonius urges the queen to be as harsh as possible with hamlet to get the real behaviour out of him, the queen agrees and Polonius hides behind the curtain
Hamlet enters the room and is immediately rude by asking why she sent for him in a offensive manner, the queen replies by saying that he has deeply offended his father which is replied by hamlet saying his father by marrying his uncle, his tone become more and more abusive until Gertrude cries out for her life and Polonius calls out for help, Hamlet suspects this could be Claudius and stabs the curtain which kills off Polonius in the process. hamlet then says “Nay, I know not: / Is it the king?”, the queen replies by saying what he just did was a rash and bloody deed. Hamlet replies by stating that it is almost as rash and bloody as murdering the king and marrying his brother. The queen at this point being understandably offended and shocked questions him on believing that she killed the king. After all this occurs the Ghost arrive once again to tell hamlet that he is going through this in the completely wrong way, after all his motive is to kill his uncle and he is shouting at the queen and killed Polonius which is not what he should be doing. Hamlet asks if the queen can see him and he says he can’t which leads to her believing once again that he is mad
Hamlet ends off by saying that he has to go to England to get away from this situation but will finish the job and kill the king and the scene ends with hamlet dragging Polonius out off the chamber.
End of Act 3
Act 4:
Scene 1:The scene starts off with Claudius and Gertrude talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern when king Claudius asks about Hamlet and Gertrude tells the guards to go away so they can speak privately. she then tells him about her encounter with hamlet not to long ago. she tells him that he has gone mad and killed Polonius after hearing a voice from behind a curtain. Claudius notes that if he was the one behind the curtain Hamlet would have killed him. He then wonder how he could save his country from a public crisis without taking a hold on Denmark. He tells Gertrude that he must send Hamlet to England at once and think off a way off explaining his murdering of Polonius to the court and people of his country. Claudius then calls Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to go find hamlet and the scene ends.
Scene 2: The scene starts off with hamlet saying that he has “safely Stowed” Polonius dead body in the castle, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern enter and ask what has happened to the body and hamlet replies by not giving a straight forward answer but instead says “he body is with the king, but the king is not with the body” Hamlet deeply offended by the questioning accuses Rosencrantz and Guildenstern for being spies to Claudius and also Rosencrantz for being a sponge that soaks up Claudius Countance. He finally agrees to go to Claudius with them and the scene ends
Scene 3: The scene starts off with the king speaking to several of the attendant about Polonius death and plan to send hamlet to go live in England, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern than enter with Hamlet. Claudius ask for the whereabouts of Polonius body and Hamlet uses excuses like he has been eaten by worms and the only way your going to find him is by sending a messenger to heaven or seek him in hell. Hamlet then revels that he is hiding Polonius body under the staircase of the castle lobby and Claudius gets his guards to look for his body. Claudius then revels to hamlet that he must be sent to England and hamlet jumps at the offer, Hamlet asks and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave to make sure he gets on the boat to England. When everyone is gone and Claudius is on his own the revels his plan to get Hamlet killed in England and the scene ends.
Scene 4: The scene starts off in a nearby plain in Denmark where young Fortinbras is marching with his army travelling through Denmark towards to attack Poland, Fortinbras orders his captain to go and ask the King of Denmark for permission to travel through his country. While doing so he bumps into: Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern on their way to the boat travelling to England. The captain informs then that the norwegian army wishes to fight the poles. Hamlet asks what the conflict is based on and he replies by saying that his army would fight over “a little patch of land / That hath in it no profit but the name”. Hamlet being astonished by the thought that such a war could be started over something as stupid leads him to remember that his uncle has done much worse and yet he still hasn’t fulfilled his father wish and killed him. Having himself ashamed that he hasn’t delivered on his promise to his father, he is determined to make all his future thoughts bloody.
Scene 5: The scene starts of with Gertrude and Claudius talking about Ophelia and how Gertrude does not wish to he her in bereavement and Claudius say she should be pitied as the grief has made her become such a different entity entirely. Ophelia then comes out with flowers and singing quite strange songs, it appears that she might have gone mad with the grief of her father’s death. Claudius enters and tells her that she is in grief because of her father’s death and reassures her that other people are disturbed and sad too of his passing this is stated in the quote “muddied, / Thick and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers / For good Polonius’ death” he then tells her that Laetres has secretly sailed back from france.
A large noise is then heard from another part of the castle and the guards inform him that the castle is being infiltrated by a mob whispering “Laertes shall be king”. Laetres storms in after finding out the news of his fathers deaths, Gertrude reassure that Claudius is not to blame for his passing and Ophelia enters again with her insanity and Laetres goes back into rage. This time Claudius reassures him that he didn’t kill his father and tells him how much he admires him for wanting to take revenge for his father’s death, but only if directed a the actual murderer. The scene ends with Claudius asking Laetres if he can give his version of the events and Claudius agrees.
Scene 6: The scene starts of with Horatio receiving a letter from Hamlet saying that he has been captured by pirates on his way to England but he is now being brought back to Denmark in safety of the pirates protection. In returns for their good will he has promised to do them a favour. He then receives another letter that should be given to the king. he gives the letter to the king and then meets Hamlet, Hamlet has good news to share.
Scene 7:The scene starts off with Claudius and Laertes talking about Polonius death, Claudius explains to Laertes that he buried him and didn’t tell everybody that he killed Polonius because he is loved too much by his mother and the people of Denmark to be able to get away with it as he is both the king of the people and wife to Hamlets mother. A messenger comes in and then gives a letter to Claudius from Hamlet that he will return tomorrow, Claudius is pleased because that means his revenge will happen quicker. Claudius says that lettres should be the one to take revenge on Hamlet because it would stop any suspicion that Claudius killed Hamlet and he can get revenge for Hamlet killing his father.
They then discuss that Laertes should put poison on his sword that so if he even stabs him he will die from the poison if not the sword being stabbed into you. Claudius says if that plan doesn’t work he will be at hand with a drink that has poison in it to make sure Hamlet doesn’t overcome death. Gertrude then comes in bearing very bad news regarding Ophelia saying that she has drowned and died in the river, Laertes storms out of the castle in grief to of both lost his father and sister in the space of a few days. Claudius and Gertrude talk about Laertes behaviour and worries that his sister’s death will reawaken the anger from earlier when his father died.
End of Act 4
Act 5:
Scene 1: The scene starts off in a graveyard with two gravediggers making a grave for Ophelia’s dead body, both seems to argue on her being buried because she committed suicide and according to christianity suicides should not be allowed to receive a christian burial. The gravediggers discuss how her posh background might be the cause of being able to be buried which brings up the question on if the rich are the only christians allowed to commit suicide.
Hamlet and Horatio enter and watch the gravedigger from a distance and notices the amount of skulls that have been thrown out of the ground to make way for the burial, he asks how the grave is being dug up for and he uses sarcasm to says that it is his grave because he is digging in it up, it’s a grave that belongs to no one because ead people can’t own anything and he finally says that it is a woman. The gravedigger blissfully unaware that it is hamlet who he is talking to says that he has being doing his job since king Hamlet killed Fortinbras and the exact same day prince Hamlet was born. Hamlet tells us that the skull on the floor belong to Yorick (King Hamlet’s Jester) and is appalled when he realises that all great man will become dust one days including Alexander the great and even Julius Caesar.
All of a sudden the funeral possession comes through the graveyard with: Claudius, Gertrude and Laertes amongst other people mourning Ophelia death. Hamlet realises that whoever it was in that coffin committed suicide as he describes the funeral rites as “maimed,” Hamlet realises that Ophelia i dead in the coffin while Laertes is outraged that the priest is refusing to put on a christian burial because she committed suicide. Laertes filled with grief jumps into the grave with her, This makes Hamlet runs up to the funeral and delcares his love for Ophelia and says his love is stronger than Laertes love for Ophelia, He also announces that he would do anything for her like he would be eaten by a crocodile or buried alive. Gertrude and Claudius finally agree that he has gone mad and Hamlet storms off with Horatio, Claudius reassures Laertes that the time will come for revenge to be taken.
Scene 2: The scene starts off the very next day in Elsinore castle with Hamlet telling Horatio how he planned to overcome being murdered by his fathers request in England. Hamlet replaced the seal with his execution with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern saying that he has no sympathy for them as they betrayed him by taking order from Claudius that were against his will. he is however deeply ashamed of the way he has treated Laertes and says that he should do a good favour for him.
Osric (A Courtier) enters ans disrupts the conversation between Hamlet and Horatio. Osric tries to suck up to Hamlet by agreeing to every single thing he says, this even is the vocal point of contradictions for him like saying that it is quite cold and then agreeing that it is quite hot. He has come to tell him that Claudius request a fencing battle between him and Laertes but apparently Claudius has put on a wager with Laertes that hamlet will win the fight. Osric praise Laertes then a lord comes in asking if he is ready for the match, Horatio doesn’t want him to fight but he goes against his word. The court goes to the hall for the fencing and Hamlet tries to be forgiven for his behaviour towards Laertes but Laertes says that he will not forgive him until an expert has advised him to do so, but until then he will accept his love.
Both take their sword and Claudius says that if hamlet wins the first or second hit then he will drink to his health and put into the cup a gem which is actually poison, and will give the wine to Hamlet, The fight begins and Hamlet gets the hit but declines the drink because he wants to play another hit first, He hits Laertes and Gertrude picks up the drink and Claudius tells her not to drink the drink, she does anyway and falls to her death after telling him that the wine had poison in it. Laertes also says that he has been poisoned by the sword. A grief ridden hamlet runs towards Claudius and forces him to drink the rest of the wine, he does and dies while trying to call out for help. Hamlet tells Horatio that he is dying and in one last attempt tries to be forgiven by Laertes who dies after forgiving Hamlet.
Osric tells us that Fortinbras is coming through the castle in the final moments of Hamlets life he ask Horatio not to commit suicide but instead stay alive and tell the story, he requests that Fortinbras becomes the new king of Denmark and then Hamlet dies. Fortinbras enters the room accompanied by the english ambassador bearing bad news about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s death. Horatio says that he will tell everybody of the gruesome scene that is now on display, Fortinbras orders Hamlet to be carried out the castle like a soldier.
End of Hamlet.