Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1 Summary

The scene starts off in a graveyard with two gravediggers making a grave for Ophelia’s dead body, both seems to argue on her being buried because she committed suicide and according to christianity suicides should not be allowed to receive a christian burial. The gravediggers discuss how her posh background might be the cause of being able to be buried which brings up the question on if the rich are the only christians allowed to commit suicide.

Hamlet and Horatio enter and watch the gravedigger from a distance and notices the amount of skulls that have been thrown out of the ground to make way for the burial, he asks how the grave is being dug up for and he uses sarcasm to says that it is his grave because he is digging in it up, it’s a grave that belongs to no one because ead people can’t own anything and he finally says that it is a woman. The gravedigger blissfully unaware that it is hamlet who he is talking to says that he has being doing his job since king Hamlet killed Fortinbras and the exact same day prince Hamlet was born. Hamlet tells us that the skull on the floor belong to Yorick (King Hamlet’s Jester) and is appalled when he realises that all great man will become dust one days including Alexander the great and even Julius caesar.

All of a sudden the funeral possession comes through the graveyard with: Claudius, Gertrude and Laertes amongst other people mourning Ophelia death. Hamlet realises that whoever it was in that coffin committed suicide as he describes the funeral rites as “maimed,” Hamlet realises that Ophelia i dead in the coffin while Laertes is outraged that the priest is refusing to put on a christian burial because she committed suicide. Laertes filled with grief jumps into the grave with her, This makes Hamlet runs up to the funeral and delcares his love for Ophelia and says his love is stronger than Laertes love for Ophelia, He also announces that he would do anything for her like he would be eaten by a crocodile or buried alive. Gertrude and Claudius finally agree that he has gone mad and Hamlet storms off with Horatio, Claudius reassures Laertes that the time will come for revenge to be taken.





