Mr Waugh – To Kill A Mockingbird – Character Observation’s – 11/2/15

In the famous book by harper lee called To Kill A Mockingbird the overall idea of the book is that the society the book takes place in is extremely Racist towards black people except from of course black people themselves and also a handful of white people like Atticus for instance. One of the biggest plot points in the book is the fact that one of the main characters called Atticus is a lawyer and when a case of somebody who happens to be a black person comes up as it is apparent that he raped a White women and is being charged form it in a court of law.

Atticus in the book agrees to defending Tom Robinson in court which bring out a lot of character when the other citizens react to the situation at hand. The discussion that Atticus makes also gives his character an added dimension to him as in the book he says that he will try to defend him even though he knows that he probably will not win. This shows Atticus as a very persistent character as he is doing this off his own morals and also doing something with a very controversial subject matter in the book. Atticus shows his own morals as he is pretty much staying away from the herd and seeing who Tom Robinson really is and that is a regular human being who happens to be prejudiced against just for his skin colour which isn’t fair at all. Atticus still sees hate when other white people attack him using words like “Nigger Lover” Which now would be a completely out of order thing to say to someone. Atticus’s moral may also come form the idea of being treated the in the same way others treat you, therefore atticus could be defending him because deep down he would like to be treated in the same way if he was accused of something himself. Atticus also may have religious view that vow for him to help others like Tom Robinson and his religion is the one of the many reasons that he is doing this very controversial act in their society. Atticus also shows that he doesn’t really care and if anything never follows up upon being called a ” Nigger Lover” unlike scout who is always defensive about it.

The Creator of the book (Harper Lee) is bringing in this message of rebelling against a society of racism which may hit home for any black person who has been persecuted against for their skin colour. The ideas in the book shown that maybe harper lee experienced racism when see was younger as she was growing up in the 30’s and 40’s America which would have been less open to the idea of black people and would of as a result probably of bee more racist then what present day America would be today. Harper lee is sending the idea that she doesn’t agree with racism as she made a society where Atticus is the underdog and is trying to fight for his views and harper lee could of just made a book where everybody was racist against black people but instead she has made a character who isn’t racist and is fighting for a cause.

Other Characters like Miss Dubose’s bring the more hateful side to the table as Miss Dubose’s is constantly getting into hatred with character like scout for knowing Atticus and is constantly hated against by miss Dubious until her Sudden Death. This brings yet another dimension to Atticus as when see dies he say that all see said she couldn’t help as she was old and ill and was just viewing her opinion which shows that Atticus is open to people criticisms and doesn’t care what people think unlike scout. An example of this is when see goes over to her she is always putting her clock back so they stay for longer and scout hate this and keeps on about this when see goes over. Another side to Miss Dubose’s is that she is
probably the way she is because people fear he especially Scout and Jem finch as Jem thinks she is Nasty as she is closing her death bed and scout hates her completely.

In Conclusion All the character in the book have different moral views and some of them come out more then other like Atticus good morality against racism and Mr Dubose’s bad intention against Racism.






One response to “Mr Waugh – To Kill A Mockingbird – Character Observation’s – 11/2/15”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    The next step in the development of this will be for you to select more precise quotations and refine your points according to these. For example when you speculate:

    “therefore atticus could be defending him because deep down he would like to be treated in the same way if he was accused of something himself. Atticus also may have religious view that vow for him to help others like Tom Robinson and his religion is the one of the many reasons that he is doing this very controversial act in their society.”

    I feel that you’re going a bit far from the truth of the text. How about instead using the quote where Atticus says he is representing Tom so that he can expect his own children to listen to and respect his moral position. He also says moral positions involve doing the right thing even when you know you can’t win.
