Mr Waugh – Mary Poppins (Book) By P.L Travers – Anti Hero Analysis – 29/1/15

In the book called Mary Poppins by P.L Travers the anti-hero in my view is Mary Poppins herself. The Ideas and perspectives behind the book back up my statement in various ways, For example in the book she is described as strict but firm meaning that she is not the happy loving nanny that the stereotype always suggest to us. Mary Poppins also does thing which seem really strange like telling the two sibling: Jane and Michael that there is a bird woman who feeds the birds outside St Paul’s Cathedral. This leads to Mr Banks losing his job at the bank which is one of the many plot points of the book as the father spends all his time working and paying for nannies instead of spending time with his children which tells me that Mary Poppins was pro-haps trying to make Mr George Banks lose his jobs in order to spend more time with his family. Mary Poppins also is strict but firm meaning she has two sides to hear which are the good side but then her strict side really shows a lot of the time. Also in Mary Poppins she uses her magic powers and then later dust them under the carpet as if they never happened which may show that she herself is unaware of what is happening or she is trying to mess with the children’s emotions.

Lastly in the book she comes in the with the east wind and then goes when the wind changes to west showing that she is messing with the families emotions and then leaving them and leaving a gap in their life. In conclusion Mary Poppins has a heroic side but does have many Villainous side as well but most anti-hero do.





