the Curious incident of the dog in the night-time: in the Curious incident the main character called Christopher boone has ADHD which is clear in his actions and everyday Lifestyle, even though this is presented as if he does have ADHD it is never stated or said in the book that he does have ADHD which can show the books clever way of telling the reader that this boy does have a type of learning disability which could well be ADHD and with this it shows the positive sides of ADHD and also proves that certain stereotypical views can be wrong and can be overpowered by clever views and attention to detail areas which shows people with ADHD and any other learning disabilities.

Hank Zipzer Series: in the series of books in which the main character called Hank Zipzer has another type of learning disabilities called dyslexia which affects the reading and writing aspects of learning and life. in the books his teacher called Miss Adolf is particularly horrible to him even when he has trouble in his everyday life when he messes up in school. His friends on the other hand are particularly positive and treat him in the way he should be treated in the most positive way.
Therefore Hank Zipzer Exceeds in many aspects and brings the positive and negative views of people with learning disabilities in everyday life.

Forest Gump: in the movie Forest Gump the main charater of the same name of the movie while hasn’t got a particular learning disability of such he does have problems connecting to people in life which is sort of a common symptom of people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) which is quite a common learning disability which in the movie is presented quite negatively as people pick on him and call him words like idiot and stupid which shows the mean side which bullying can bring to people with learning disabunities in not just school life but also everyday life aswell.

The boy who could fly: In the Boy who could fly the main charater played by Fred Savage lives with his family but when his father dies his family suffer an emotional rollercoaster added with the fact that the main charater has autism and therefore finds it harder to let go of his recently deceased father. Overall the views on people with autism is very superb and is quite strongly viewed along with a positive view on his live with quite a heartbreaking story.

Overall Verdict: As a hole I think that the views of people with learning disabilities are quite positive with maybe some downfalls along the way in some aspect as a hole the understanding where sometimes can be low is quite positive and accurate most of the time





