Mr North – MacBeth – 24/3/14

1. What was your inspiration for you famous plays eg: Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet?#

2. Was their any real life events which inspired your plays?

3. Did you intend any morals or life rules in your plays?

4. Was the play macbeth supposed to rebel against their society as lady macbeth has a hold on macbeth whereas in that time males dominated females?

5. Did you intend most of the relationships between your plays eg: Settings, Charater etc?

1. Macbeth refers to the witches as them or they. I think this because if somebody intercepts the ketter he doesnt want them to know that he is seeing the witches as this will spoil his reputation as he looks like he is uaing socery.

2. Macbeth refers to lady macbeth as my derest partner. I think this because he is talking to her directly therefore he is saying dearest darling insted of wife.

Shakespeare wants us to think the witches are: Rude, Powerful, Dirty, Abnoxius etc. I think this because their are Mny negative points like killing a boat full of peoppe for an unjustified scenario and also they arent very nice when it comes to manners like they vanish without any question and they never explain themselfs in the play sofar





