Miss Drewett – Letter to Lady Macbeth – 20/3/14

To My dearest wife

I am writing to you from far away, away from the stars and the rain in fact so far away the name ia foreign to me with knowledge to live and to be.

So yer probably wondering how it went well in a word great but in two words mind-blowing but how and why well here how. Today we won are battle and crowned me thane of Cowdor, great isn’t it. But things turned from brilliant to wired quicker than you can say darling as I saw them and they prophecies from thane to king and treachery to death these aren’t normal im telling you.

I feel strange a little weird to be exact but happy and glad and at a few times dumb founded with my last thought being murder one you may know on a royal side of life as that what we want being power and all

I’ll see you later with more to tell

Yours sincerely, Macbeth






3 responses to “Miss Drewett – Letter to Lady Macbeth – 20/3/14”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I think this is rather strangely inspired. Nice, Lethaniel. How about the spelling though, my good man?

    Mr Waugh

  2. jnorth Avatar

    I have to say that I agree with Mr Waugh on this one. You have understood the events of the play, but what I’m most interested in is why Macbeth is writing from so far away – is this because of the witches’ predictions? Has this elevated his state of being?

  3. hdrewett Avatar

    I enjoy the exaggeration of how Macbeth is feeling so confused and affected that this in turn affects how he feels, even where he considers himself to be.
    You have understood the events and shared your decisions with me in class whilst writing, however, to improve the writing punctuation would be the best place to start. Section your ideas into clearer and shorter sentences and this will make your points stand out much better.
