How does the director present faith in the given extract in ‘Life of Pi’ ?
My argument is that people should believe in the faith they want to and that the best way to keep faith alive is to enjoy it the most and actually want to follow it.
Analysis: From the movie i can see that Pi likes experimenting with multiple faiths but his father doesn’t seem to agree with him With quotes like ‘ if you believe i multiple faiths at once it is just like not believing in anything at all. His father in a way is an atheist as everything Pi believe in he has an answer for. In my opinion it is shown later when the tiger kills the goat as in a way pi’s father is trying to kill his faith just like thee tiger is killing the goat. The way in which this is shown is because pi is watching the goat being killed and this is kind of mirroring his father who got the goat which is going to be killed and this is showing us that pi is being affected and his father is killing his faith.