Month: November 2013

  • Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Scene 2 and 3

    The scene starts on Tuesday afternoon with the characters father capulet, mother capulet , nurse and 2 or 3 serving men talking about Juliet’s wedding and who they are going to invite then Juliet enters and tells her father where she has been ( with Friar Lawrence and Paris) and then capulet tells Juliet that…

  • The explination for the example above is that Romeo is talking about how he is like a ship and how he is being directed and how the stars will see him to the right course. The predictions from the audience is that this will lead to his death will be directed by the stars eg…

  • Act 4 Scene 3

    The scene starts late monday morning and Old Capulet, his wife and Paris enter. Capulet starts off by saying that things are so unlucky because you havent had time for my daughter then Paris talks about how he hasnt had time to woo Juliet.Then Paris offers to go in and Capulet calls him again. Then…

  • Act 3 Scene 1 starts off with mercutio, his page and benvolio entering with other men. Benvolio starts by saying to mercutio that he does’ nt they so good wandering about otherwise a capulet might find them and mercutio basically talks him a wimp because of it with quotes saying that is like a person…

  • Scene 4 starts on Monday morning. The nurse and peter enter and mercurial mooks the nurse by saying a sail a sail what is referring to how fat she is then the nurse mercutio and Romeo talk about how Juliet is asking wether what Romeo said about marriage is true and that he is not…

  • The scene starts with friar Lawrence and Romeo talking about doomsday and about punishment on doomsday. Friar Lawrence goes on by continuing on about death and deadly sins with the paragraph ‘ o deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! Thy fault our laws calls death, but the prince taking thy part , hath rush’d aside the…